May 2024

Patient Testimonials

"I'm 7 months out from the gastric sleeve and down about 70 pounds since the start of this process!

I used to say I was the healthiest fat person you know. I didn't realize how wrong I was, how unhealthy I really was. I hadn't been diagnosed with hypertension or diabetes or any other weight-related co-morbidity (yet), so I thought I was "fine." I thought if I really tried, I could lose the weight. I finally got tired of clothes never fitting, hated how I looked in pictures and the mirror, and was called "that heavy set nurse" by a patient at work and decided it was time for a change. I dieted, exercised, and even tried medications without changing the scale. I was extremely nervous, but I knew it was time to take the big step of surgical intervention.

Now I just wish I would have done it sooner! The surgery was the best tool ever for the weight loss. I say tool because it still takes hard work and dedication, but without it, I would never be so close to my weight loss goals. I have never felt better in my life. I can now see and feel how unhealthy I really was. How much of life I was missing out on because of my weight.

I have energy and love working out now. I feel more confident doing activities and looking in the mirror! My labs and vitals have never been as good as they are now! Anyone struggling with weight loss and getting healthy like I was should definitely speak to the weight management team! Dr. McLaughln, Amy, Natalie, and the whole team have given me my life back in ways I didn't even know I was missing!

"It was Time to Help Reduce My Medical Conditions and get off Some Medication"
"There is no better feeling than looking in the mirror and seeing the real person hidden beneath."
"If you are hesitant about weight loss, don't be. Take the chance… call them today!" -Brooke
"My journey has just begun, and I can't wait to see what the future has in store."
"As a nurse, I knew in my heart, my life was not a healthy one, and changes must occur. So, I took that step and enrolled in the Bariatric program" -Mandy
"Let me tell you about my journey and how my life has changed with the KCH Bariatric Medicine team’s help."
"When asked to write about my experience, one of my first thoughts was that I am so sorry that I delayed my surgery for so long. Life is so so short, and in the blink of an eye, it can be gone."
"I'm sure I am just like everyone else who is considering visiting the weight loss clinic... I have had weight problems "all my life!!!!"
"My surgical journey started in the early spring of 2019. However, my battle with food and obesity began many years ago."
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