
Nurse Help Line - FREE

Nurse Help Line - FREE

nurse hotline

Call the Nurse Help Line for Support.

Call the KCH free Nurse Help Line at 740.393.9033. We’re here 24 hours a day, seven days a week, because when you have a health question, you want answers now.

Talking to a nurse is peace of mind anytime.

Staffed by experienced nurses and care coordinators. Available 24/7/365.

Have a question to ask a nurse? Here’s how it works!

Call 740.393.9033, whether during the day, at night, or anytime between.

Examples of questions you would like to ask a nurse:

  • Concussion – What are the signs?
  • High Fever – How high is too high for a fever?
  • Should I go to the ER or wait to see my provider tomorrow?
  • Stitches – Do I need stitches? Should I go to Urgent Care?
  • Flu symptoms – Is this the flu or something else?
  • COVID Testing – Where should I get tested?

At Knox Community Hospital, we care about our patients' outcomes and satisfaction, which is why we've invested in a new Nurse Help Line service for our community. We want to help people navigate care so that putting off treatment and waiting too long isn't part of our patients' care plans. 

Our community now has access to this care 24/7/365!

The Nurse Help Line utilizes a third-party service to provide registered nurses and care coordinators who use a telephone triage version of a medical checklist called Gold-Standard Schmidt Thompson Nursing Protocols. 

Nurses triage people following the medical checklist and develop a care plan customized to the patient's needs.

  • Recommend home care/self-care at home when possible
  • Help making an appointment with a provider over the phone
  • Refer/Recommend to ER or Urgent Care for evaluation/treatment
  • Assist in determining when to drive to the ER or to call an ambulance
  • Give the ER a heads-up that the patient is coming in
  • Call Emergency Services when and if it’s determined necessary
Nurse Help Line Fast Facts:
What types of questions can I ask?

Once connected to the helpline, you can ask medical questions, discuss symptoms and concerns, and discuss options. You can ask a nurse questions about sprains, fevers, bee stings, blood pressure, pregnancy, stomach pain, diarrhea, and more.

Questions you’d like to ask a nurse:

  • Concussion – What are the signs of a concussion?
  • High Fever – How high is too high for a fever? Should I take my daughter to the ER or wait to see our provider tomorrow?
  • Stitches – How do I know if I need stitches? Should I go to express care?
  • Flu symptoms – Do my symptoms mean I have the flu or something else?
  • COVID Testing – Where should I get tested?
How do I figure out the best way to resolve my issue?

Our experienced nurses and care coordinators will help you determine your next steps. That might include scheduling an appointment with a doctor or seeking care in the Urgent Care Center or the Emergency Department.

Nurses Speak Your Language, Including Spanish

Nurses triage people following the medical checklist and develop a care plan customized to the patient's needs.

  • Recommend home care/self-care - Patients can care for themselves at home
  • Recommend to Primary Care – can even make the appointment with a provider over the phone
  • Refer/Recommend to ER or Urgent Care for evaluation/treatment 
  • Assist them in determining whether to drive to the ER or to call an ambulance 
  • Gives the ER a heads up that the patient is coming in 
  • Call EMS for them if determined necessary
Please call 740.393.9033 for support and guidance.