
What is TENEX Health TX?

What is TENEX Health TX?

TENEX HEALTH TX is a minimally invasive, one-time treatment for chronic tendon pain in the elbow or Achilles.

Developed in collaboration with the Mayo Clinic, TENEX Health TX is clinically proven to remove tendon pain for more than 85% of patients. Dr. Jarrett Helming offers this breakthrough treatment at Knox Community Hospital. If you have chronic tendon pain lasting more than 3 months in your elbow or Achilles, tennis or golfer’s elbow, or Achilles tendinosis, call 740.393.9898 to schedule an appointment today. 

Patient Benefits

Effective: Pain Relief and Rapid Recovery

  • Clinically proven to remove tendon pain for 85% of patients

  • Recovery of 6-8 weeks or less to return to normal activities

Gentle: Minimally Invasive

  • Performed typically with local anesthetic

  • No stitches (requires only a small, adhesive bandage)

Short Procedure Time

  • Quick procedure (performed in minutes, not hours)

  • Most patients require only a one-time treatment with no post-procedure physical therapy needed

Medically known as Percutaneous Tenotomy or Percutaneous Fasciotomy, the procedure using Tenex Health TX technology combines sophisticated ultrasound imaging to pinpoint damaged tendon tissue along with the advanced TX MicroTip, which precisely breaks down and extracts the damaged tissue that causes tendon pain. When the damaged tissue is removed and there is increased blood flow, the body stimulates a healing response.