
Community Wellness

Community Wellness

health and wellness
“Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live.”  – Jim Rohn

What is Community Wellness?

The Center for Rehabilitation and Wellness knows that sometimes access to a Fitness Center isn't enough.

That is why we offer Community Wellness programs to our members. Our Community Wellness Program provides specialized training programs for everyday life or a particular sport to help you accomplish your goals, free monthly Health Education to help you gain or expand your knowledge on specific health topics. We also understand that life can be overwhelming and stressful, so we offer various massages to take that time to yourself and relax. At the Center for Rehabilitation and Wellness, exercise isn't the only focus; we promote education and nutrition to our community to continue striving towards a healthier lifestyle.


Massage Therapy

Massage is the manipulation of superficial and deep layers of muscle and connective tissue to enhance function and promote relaxation and wellbeing.

Community Wellness Services
Healthy Habits| Weight Management Program

Healthy Directions is a  program that is designed to help you lose weight and lower your health risk factors through education and support. Some of the topics covered deal with setting realistic goals, the health benefits of physical activity, and overview of cholesterol levels, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and pre-diabetes. Healthy Directions is personal and customized for you. 

This program includes:

  • Access to weight management experts 
  • Diet Information 
  • Exercise Instruction
  • Support & Encouragement 
Parkinson’s Support Group
Join us for a Parkinson's Disease (PD) fitness program.

KCH's Center for Rehabilitation & Wellness offers a new, life-changing fitness and mobility program expressly designed for people with Parkinson's disease. The program is designed to help improve PD patients' physical, mental, and emotional realities.

When: Third Wednesday of each month.

Located at: Center for Rehabilitation and Wellness, Mount Vernon

Time: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

For more information, please call
740.393.9875 or email

Center for Rehabilitation and Wellness

1330 Coshocton Avenue
Mount Vernon Ohio, 43050
