Are you experiencing pain, muscle tightness, limited movement, headaches?
If so, you may benefit from Trigger Point Dry Needling. Dry Needling (TDN), also known as Intramuscular Manual Therapy (IMT), is a manual therapy technique in which small, solid, microfilament needles are inserted into muscular trigger points in order to relax the muscle, reduce pain and ultimately improve function.
While the same type needles are used as those for acupuncture, TDN is not acupuncture. A trigger point is a localized area of deep tenderness within a taut band of muscle which is able to produce referred pain either spontaneously or upon palpation. TDN interrupts the physiological dysfunction which is causing the muscle to tighten. This causes the muscle to relax, removes the source of irritation and the increased electrical activity at the trigger point and promotes healing. Once this is achieved, the muscle may require strengthening and/or retraining to function properly.
Dry Needling requires an evaluation by a trained professional with extensive knowledge of the nervous system, muscular system, orthopaedics and TDN techniques. The staff performing this procedure at Knox Community Hospital’s Center for Rehabilitation & Wellness have undergone extensive training and testing on the techniques and are experiencing very good clinical results.
Patient Feedback
“A trigger point was released in my hip region which allowed me to touch my toes for the first time and sit through a church service without pain!”
“I can’t believe my pain is completely gone!”
“I feel much looser, can I give you a hug!”
“I didn’t even feel the needle! Just a muscle twitch.”
If you feel like this Dry Needling may benefit you, please call 740.393.6970.
1330 Coshocton Avenue
Suite B
Mount Vernon, OH 43050