Hip and Knee Replacement Made Easy with Same Day Discharge. Contact Us to learn more.
Dr. Cush and Dr. Helming treat patients of all ages, from toddlers to senior citizens. They treat conditions and diseases that affect the bones, muscles, joints, and soft tissues. Both physicians specialize in sports medicine, and treating injuries suffered during athletic activities. Dr. Helming specializes in arthroscopic repair of the shoulder, knee, and hip injuries.
Dr. Kenneth Doolittle, II has lived in the Mount Vernon Community for over 25 years. Dr. Doolittle has brought innovative and progressive orthopaedic procedures to Knox Community Hospital, including arthroscopy and joint replacement, through a safe and measured process.
His clinic is dedicated to providing high-quality orthopaedic care and treatment in a caring and compassionate atmosphere to ensure the healing and quality of life for Knox County families.

Jarrett B. Helming, DO, began working with the Department of Specialty Care -…