
Robotic Surgery

Robotic Surgery

Robotic Surgery Mount Vernon Ohio

Knox Community Hospital strives to keep up with innovative treatment options.


Patient Testimony: Diana Kemmer
We are thrilled to include the general surgeon specialty of robotic-assisted surgery in our treatment solutions.

Many KCH general surgery specialists have the training to use the da Vinci Xi surgical system to reduce patients' pain, shorten hospital stays, and speed up recovery. The Department of Specialty Care has trained the following provider clinics in Robotic Surgery.

  • General Surgery
  • Obstetrics/Gynecology
  • Urology
  • Weight Management

Robotic surgery allows your gen surg team to perform more precise and controlled minimally invasive surgery with top-of-the-line surgical instruments that allow for a 3-D high-definition view of the treatment area. Minimally invasive surgery means smaller incisions leading to reduced blood loss, scarring, and risk of infection. Hence, patients have a shorter hospital stay, faster recovery time, and less pain medication use.

Is my surgeon still the one operating on me, or is the robot in control?
  • No need to be alarmed; your surgeon is in control during your entire procedure.
  • The robot is merely following the surgeon's movements.
  • Your surgeon orchestrates and performs all actions firsthand, similar to playing a (high-tech) video game.
  • Their hand movements are translated from the controller to the robot and act in tandem with each movement.
  • The robot cannot do anything without the surgeon performing the control panel's correlating movements.
For a sneak peek at the precisions of this great new resource watch this video:
Can all surgery be performed robotically?
  • No, it is not possible to perform all surgeries robotically.      

  • However, we can perform many laparoscopic surgeries robotically.

  • Robotic Surgical equipment, at the heart of its design, assists with minimally invasive procedures. 

What surgeries can/are typically performed robotically?
  • Laparoscopic Procedures
  • Hernia Repairs
  • Bowel Surgeries
Talk with your provider to discuss whether robotic surgery is right for you.


Aevan McLaughlin, MD
General Surgery, Robotic Surgery, Weight Management, Heartburn (GERD) Treatment

Michael D. Heuman, MD, FACS
General Surgery, Robotic Surgery, Heartburn (GERD) Treatment

Tamara L Holzer, DO, FACOS, CPE
General Surgery, Robotic Surgery, Heartburn (GERD) Treatment