
Job Shadowing

Job Shadowing

Experiential Learning Opportunities

Job Shadow placement at KCH provides experiential learning opportunities designed to help individuals learn about health career options as well as the skills that different occupations require. In the Job Shadow role, you will have the opportunity to experience the workplace setting as well as observe duties performed by health care workers. You may gain an understanding of your own interests in the healthcare field as well as see why KCH is In the Community, For the Community. Individuals in a Job Shadowing role are not permitted to take part in hands-on patient care. 

Please note: This opportunity is not intended for vendors or medical product representatives.

Brandy Spoon
Clinical Nurse Educator/Organizational Development


Job shadowing experiences may be:

  • 2-4 hours long for high school students
  • 4-8 hours long for adults
  • (Longer options will be considered, depending on school requirements)


  • High school students age 16 or older (Please Note: The Birthing Center, Perioperative Services and Emergency Department do not accept applicants under the age of 18 years of age)
  • College students
  • Individuals exploring a career in Healthcare


  • Completion of a Job Shadowing application at least fourteen (14) days prior to the requested date for job shadowing placement.
  • Job Shadowing Consent Form (If under 18 years of age)
  • Proof of recent Flu Vaccination (if shadowing during the months of October - March)
Hospital Unit
Application Process

Applicants may apply by completing the online application and submitting required Flu Vaccination documentation. Applicants will receive e-mail confirmation from Organizational Development when the completed application and required documents have been received. Upon approval, an e-mail will be sent to the applicant confirming their job shadowing request.

Rules of Conduct

Dress Code

All Job Shadow Participants must wear either scrubs or dress business casual. Unacceptable clothing includes jeans, shorts, t-shirts, tank tops, open-toe shoes and tight or revealing clothing. All body piercings and tattoos must be covered at all times during your shadowing experience (one piercing per ear is acceptable). If you are not dressed appropriately, you may be asked to leave the premises.

Promptness and Reliability

It is important that you arrive at the time agreed. Staff members are anticipating spending the day with you. If you are going to be late or you are sick, please call 740.393.9868 or your assigned department to inform them of the situation.


We expect that you will behave in a courteous manner at all times. Cell phone usage during job shadowing is strictly prohibited. If at any time your behavior is not in compliance with our rules and regulations, you may be asked to leave the premises.