Many insurance companies require you and/or your physician to obtain pre-certification. Patients who lack pre-certification will be admitted; however, they will be held directly responsible for all medical expenses incurred during their hospitalization. If you believe your insurance requires pre-certification, please be sure the necessary contacts are made before your scheduled admission.
Our Pre-Certification Department staff members will call insurance companies for all observation patients and admitted patients within 24 hours of their arrival to verify eligibility and benefits. Our nurses also carefully met all insurance requirements for pre-certification and continued stay reviews.
About Your Bill
Your bill will include two basic charges—routine daily charges for nursing care, meals, and housekeeping, as well as medical charges for other services.
Any fees for services, including the Emergency Room physician, pathologist, or Knox Community Hospital Department of Primary or Specialty Care, will be billed separately. Your doctors’ fees will not be included in your bill from Knox Community Hospital.
Financial Arrangements
Arrangements to pay for your hospital stay should be made before or during your admission.
If you anticipate difficulty paying your bill, please contact our Business Office as soon as possible at 740.251.6400 or 1.855.978.5839.
One of our financial counselors will help you choose a financial plan that will best suit your situation. If you believe you might qualify for charity assistance, please notify the Business Office immediately.
On January 1, 2014, the Affordable Care Act became law. What does this mean for you? As of January 1, 2014, when you, the patient, present to a Physician Office and/or Knox Community Hospital for a visit and/or procedure, you will be asked for your insurance information at the time of initial registration. If you indicate that you do not currently have medical insurance, you will be directed to visit, the health insurance marketplace created under the Affordable Care Act.
The Affordable Care Act requires that all Americans apply for health insurance coverage or be subject to a financial penalty. If you choose to pay the penalty rather than apply for health coverage, neither Knox Community Hospital nor it’s medical providers can consider you eligible for financial assistance. When you visit the health insurance marketplace at, you will have the opportunity to apply for a health insurance option that is right for you. It is important to ensure that Knox Community Hospital is a provider for the network plan you select.
In some cases, it may be determined that you, the patient, are eligible for Medicaid Coverage, at which time the site will direct you to, where you can apply for that assistance. Once you, the patient, have obtained the appropriate health coverage for which you are eligible, you may apply for financial assistance through KCH’s Financial Assistance program to cover any coinsurance amounts and other qualifying expenses (out of pocket expenses other than co-pays).
If you have any questions or need assistance with your health coverage, please contact one of KCH’s Certified Application Specialists, who can help you fulfill these new requirements under the Affordable Care Act, and ensure that you remain eligible for any financial assistance for which you may qualify.
To contact one of Knox Community Hospital’s Certified Application Specialists, please call a Financial Counselor at 740.393.9018, 740.393.9639 or 740.399.3831.