Portals for children under 18 years of age:
Parents and legal guardians may set up a portal to receive access to that child’s medical records. Access will continue until the child turns 18, at that time guardian access is revoked.
Young Adult Privacy Act:
Minors aged 13-17 are under the Young Adult Privacy Act (click the link below to read more)
While this act prevents access to electronic records, records can still be requested at the main hospital's Health Information Management department.
Dependent Adult Portal’s
Legal guardians of dependent adults can access the guardian portal accounts. Once access is granted, legal guardians will have access to the dependent's online medical records. This type of access is only available for individuals with court-appointed legal guardianship. This documentation must be supplied to gain portal access. The same applies if you are an adult child who has a Medical Power of Attorney over your parent. Proper MDPOA paperwork must be supplied for portal access to be obtained.
Having trouble? Call us at 740.399.3777, and we will walk you through the process.