Ami Frost, MS, APRN-CNP

Ami Frost, MS, APRN-CNP

Weight Management

1330 Coshocton Avenue
Mount Vernon, OH 43050
Amy Frost, MS, APRN-CNP, Weight Management

Master of Science (MS) Mount Carmel College of Nursing, Columbus, OH

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Otterbein College, Westerville, OH


Ami is a Nurse Practitioner with the Weight Management Clinic. In this program, you will meet with Ami to develop an individualized goal within the program. While meeting with her, your medical history and physical assessment will be obtained to identify if further work-up is needed. Lab work, weight, activity, and food logs will be reviewed with your visits. She will discuss possible medication options available, if desired and appropriate. If on the surgical pathway, Ami will guide your through all of the requirements to help prepare you for surgery. Ami obtained her Masters of Science at Mount Carmel College of Nursing. She enjoys spending time with her family and pets, as well as golfing and being outdoors.