May 2024

Medical Eye Care

Expertise in diagnosis and treatment of various conditions.
Though the eye is a small organ, the list of conditions that can affect it is not.

As comprehensive ophthalmologists, we are specially trained to diagnose and treat these ailments. Below is a list of some of the most common ocular problems. 

Dry Eye

The surface of the eye is covered by a thin tear film which keeps the eye wetted and seeing clearly. When problems develop with the tears, the eyes can become dry, red, irritated and itchy which may result in decreased vision. The cause of this problem varies for each patient and there are many different ways to treat it. If you are experiencing similar symptoms, schedule an appointment so we can help determine the problem and help get you feeling better.


Diabetes is a disease that can affect the entire body, including the eyes. High blood sugar can result in damage and dysfunction of the vessels that feed the eye, resulting in injury and loss of vision. It is critical that every diabetic patient has an annual dilated eye exam to look for changes associated with diabetes. Most commonly the disease affects the retina (the “film” of the eye) which is referred to as diabetic retinopathy. In addition to the standard exam we also have diagnostic tools available that can help detect and localize problem areas.

Well controlled blood sugar is the key to maintaining healthy eyes and avoiding complications, however there are treatment options if problems arise. We offer in office injections and laser treatment as well as access to retinal specialty care if needed.


Similar to a tire on a car, the eye needs to be pressurized in order to work properly. Glaucoma is a disease in which the pressure inside the eye is too high and may result in damage and permanent vision loss. More often than not, patients do not realize they are having this problem because the vision loss may be subtle and silent early on, happening without the patient knowing it. For this reason it is important to have a routine eye exam to detect glaucoma early. We are highly trained in the detection of glaucoma utilizing clinical exam findings along with high tech screening and monitoring tools. Timely treatment and observation is the key to success in stopping or slowing the loss of vision. Typically initial treatment begins with medicated eye drops that help reduce the pressure by decreasing fluid production or increasing outflow. Secondary or alternative treatment includes in office laser therapy to increase fluid outflow. Surgery is a consideration in late stage or medically uncontrollable cases.

If you have concerns about glaucoma or have a family member with glaucoma you should come in for a thorough eye exam.

Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

The retina is located in the back of the eye and is considered the “film” of the eye, responsible for taking the picture we see. The macula is a specific area of the retina used for central vision. Age related macular degeneration (AMD) is a disease process which affects the macula with resulting decreased vision. Symptoms may include decreased vision, new blind spots or areas that appear distorted or “wavy” in your visual field. If you are having these symptoms or other concerns about AMD schedule an appointment for a dilated eye exam. Currently, there is no known cure for AMD but there are ways to treat it and help maximize visual potential.


The eye and the tissue around the eye can be afflicted by infection from various different pathogens including viruses, bacteria and fungus. The infection can be localized, widespread or even inside the eye. Some infections are mild and self limited while others may be serious and require emergent evaluation and treatment.

Inflammatory Conditions

There are instances when the eye can be inflamed and irritated without an obvious cause. There are certain localized or systemic inflammatory conditions and auto immune disorders that can affect the eye resulting in redness, pain and decreased vision. If these symptoms are present it is important to have a thorough eye exam as well as possible blood tests or other medical workup and evaluation. Treatment may include eye drops, injections or systemic medications.

Strabismus (Lazy Eye)

It is important for both function and visual development that the eyes are appropriately aligned. In children, a misalignment may result in permanent vision loss if not addressed in a timely manner. An eye exam is needed to understand the cause of misalignment and dictate treatment decisions. Treatment may include glasses, patching of an eye, eye drops and sometimes surgery. In adults, a misalignment is no longer visually threatening, but it can result in double vision or cosmetic concern. Again, an examination is required to understand the problem and tailor treatment to the patients needs.