Doc Talk Video Clip: Vision Matters – Eye Care and the Solar Eclipse

Submitted by KCH on Tue, 02/27/2024 - 12:17pm
WATCH: Vision Matters – Eye Care and the Solar Eclipse Doc Talk
What you should know about Eclipse Planning
  • Make a family emergency communication plan and include pets.
  • Have emergency supplies in place at home, at work, and in the car.
  • Your travel plans should include before, during, and after the event.
  • Get your information from reliable sources.
  • Know where you will get accurate and timely information, notifications, and alerts.

Don't hesitate to contact KCH ophthalmology if you experience vision problems or other eye issues due to the eclipse by calling 740.397.2425 or visiting

Doc Talk - Solar Eclipse
Dr. Philip Holzer led a conversation about the upcoming Solar Eclipse and proper eye care for you and your family. Watch a video clip of some highlights below.
Solar Eclipse April 8
By now, you've all heard about the Solar Eclipse that will occur on April 8th, and Ohio is in the path of the total eclipse.

Knox County will experience the solar eclipse, and the county EMA has been preparing for this with other local and regional officials. Our county's population could greatly increase that day and, most likely, during the several days before that date.

At this time, all scheduled medical procedures will remain as scheduled.

Key Facts

Traffic around the Knox County area will be impacted by those wishing to have a nice view of the eclipse. Please plan accordingly and travel safely and in advance to avoid traffic congestion for the primary needs of you and your family. All county K-12 schools are closed for the day on April 8th.