IMPROVED ACCESS TO HEALTHCARE. The Emergency Room (ER) is often called the "front door" to any hospital. This ER renovation project will add space to improve access and comfort when patients need it most.
NUMBERS INCREASING. On average, the KCH Emergency Room saw 2,000 visits per month during 2023, or approximately 67 patients daily. The population of Knox County increased by over 900 residents from July 2022 through July 2023. In addition, the population age 65 plus is expected to increase by 14% over the next five years. *estimates according to the US Census Bureau
SICKER PATIENTS. According to Trent Timmons, DO, Medical Doctor, Emergency Services, "Over recent years, we have seen an increasing number of patients with chronic and severe illnesses than in the past."
SPACE IS A SIGNIFICANT CHALLENGE. The current ER houses 17 exam rooms and one triage room. With our community's population expected to continue increasing, additional rooms are critical to maintaining quality of care, comfort, and dignity.
Please contact or call 740.393.9085 with any questions or concerns regarding the campaign.
Breaking out our service capacity for each location helps us serve our patients more efficiently by directing them to the service area that specifically meets their needs. The Walk-In Clinic does not manage pain, refill medication, manage chronic care conditions, or provide medication prescriptions provided by a current primary care provider.
Our Emergency Room is appropriate for situations where every second counts for survival. Knox Community Hospital also offers trauma care for individuals with severe injuries, like a gunshot wound, a chainsaw accident, or a car accident.