For many in the community, the ER is the "front door" to the hospital, and "over the past years, there has been an increased number of patients with chronic and severe illnesses coming through that front door," states Trent Timmons, DO, Emergency Services Medical Director.
The Foundation for KCH has launched a two-year capital campaign, "Growing the ER for a Growing Community," to raise $1 million toward the cost of expanding and renovating the Emergency Room.
The ER renovation project will offer much-needed space and improved access when patients need it most while maintaining comfort and privacy until they move on to the next phase of care. These renovation plans will add five exam rooms and one triage room to the 17 exam rooms and 1 triage room currently in place. A new CT (Computed Tomography) scanner will also be placed adjacent to the ER for potentially improved response times, diagnoses, and actions, particularly critical with cardiac or stroke events. Additionally, we will build a new lab station for increased efficiency and flow. With our ever-growing community population, this expansion is critical.
The Ariel Foundation has provided a matching fund grant as a challenge to inspire our donors, matching your gift 1:1 up to $300,000 over the next two years!